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Enhancing real-world event memory

WTI Inspiring Speaker: Morgan Barense

Thursday, February 20, 2025

4:00 - 5:15 pm

Reception to follow

100 College Street
Floor 11, Workshop 1116

Memory is essential for shaping how we interpret the world, plan for the future, and understand ourselves, yet effective cognitive interventions for real-world episodic memory loss remain scarce. In this talk, Morgan Barense, introduces HippoCamera, a smartphone-based intervention inspired by how the brain supports memory, designed to enhance real-world episodic recollection by replaying high-fidelity autobiographical cues. It will showcase how our approach improves memory, mood, and hippocampal activity while uncovering links between memory distinctiveness, well-being, and the perception of time.

Barense will be hosted by Nick Turk-Browne (Psychology).

Morgan Barense

Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto; Director, Toronto Neuroimaging Facility; Senior Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Hospital

Barense is a cognitive neuroscientist interested in how the brain supports memory and how memory is affected by brain damage or disease.

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WTI Inspiring Speaker Series

The Wu Tsai Institute presents the 2024-25 Inspiring Speaker Series.

The Institute’s new signature series features an interdisciplinary lineup of speakers studying the mind and brain from different angles, including perspectives from beyond academia. These speakers were selected for their ability to bridge and communicate across disciplines with state-of-the-art research and ideas relevant to the entire Wu Tsai Community.

Talks occur on Thursdays at 4:00 pm approximately every two weeks, beginning September 2024. They take place in the Workshop on the 11th floor of the Wu Tsai Institute at 100 College Street. There will be an opportunity for questions and a reception following each talk.

All members of the Yale community are welcome. Please contact if you have any accessibility-related needs. View upcoming talks and subscribe to our monthly newsletter for updates.