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Attention control in the primate brain

Friday, January 19, 2024

11:30 am - 1:00 pm

100 College Street
Floor 11, Workshop 1116
New Haven, CT 06511

Sabine Kastner

Professor, Princeton Neuroscience Institute + Department of Psychology, Princeton University

Sabine Kastner is a cognitive neuroscientist broadly interested in the neural basis and neurodevelopment of visual cognition in the primate brain. As attention function is foundational for all cognition, her talk will review studies on the neural basis of attention control and its neurodevelopment in the primate brain using behavioral, neuroimaging, and electrophysiological approaches in humans and monkeys.

Please join us on Friday, January 19, for “Attention Control in the Primate Brain.” For this talk, boxed lunches will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Kindly let us know if you’d like lunch in the RSVP form linked below. 

Sabine Kastner

WTI Inspiring Speaker Series

The Wu Tsai Institute presents the Inspiring Speaker Series, hosted by Kia Nobre, Director of the Center for Neurocognition and Behavior and Wu Tsai Professor of Psychology. Please join us this semester for a series of talks at 100 College Street. View a complete list of upcoming talks in the series below. Email us with any questions.

Upcoming Inspiring Speakers

More details will be announced soon.

Tim Brady

Tim Buschman

Nanthia Suthana

Chris Baldassano

Lila Davachi

Dani Bassett

Aaron Batista

John Krakauer