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The view of cognition from the motor cortex

Monday, March 4, 2024

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

100 College Street
Floor 11, Workshop 1116
New Haven, CT 06510

Aaron Batista

Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh

Aaron Batista is interested in sensory-motor coordination, learning, and memory in the motor system and how internal states set the context that influences behavior. Batista approaches these questions using Rhesus monkeys trained to perform challenging tasks. His lab records the activity of populations of neurons and uses computational principles and brain-computer interface techniques to formulate and test hypotheses.

The primary motor cortex is chiefly involved in motor control, but we are learning that it does far more than this. The motor cortex provides us with a window into whole-brain processes such as learning, memory formation, and the manner in which our internal states set the context for cognition.

Join us on March 4, 2024, for "The view of cognition from the motor cortex."

Aaron Batista

WTI Inspiring Speaker Series

The Wu Tsai Institute presents the Inspiring Speaker Series, hosted by Kia Nobre, Director of the Center for Neurocognition and Behavior and Wu Tsai Professor of Psychology. Please join us this semester for a series of talks at 100 College Street. View a complete list of upcoming talks in the series below. Email us with any questions.

Upcoming Inspiring Speakers

John Krakauer

Geoff Schoenbaum

Wei Ji Ma