Neural signal propagation atlas of C. elegans
WTI Inspiring Speaker: Andrew Leifer
Thursday, January 9, 2025
4:00 - 5:15 pm
Reception to follow
100 College Street
Floor 11, Workshop 1116
New Haven, CT 06510
In the age of connectomics, it is increasingly important to understand how the structure of a brain's anatomical network gives rise to neural signaling and neural function. In this talk, Andrew Leifer will present the first comprehensive brain-wide cell-resolved causal measurements of how neurons signal to one another in response to stimulation in the nematode C. elegans. He compares this signal propagation atlas to the worm's known connectome and transcriptome to address fundamental questions of structure and function in the brain.
Leifer will be hosted by Marc Hammarlund (Genetics, Neuroscience).
Andrew Leifer
Associate Professor of Physics and Neuroscience, Princeton University
Leifer is a biological physicist and systems neuroscientist who performs innovative measurements of neural activity and behavior in the nematode C. elegans to study how brains process information and generate actions.

WTI Inspiring Speaker Series
The Wu Tsai Institute presents the 2024-25 Inspiring Speaker Series.
The Institute’s new signature series features an interdisciplinary lineup of speakers studying the mind and brain from different angles, including perspectives from beyond academia. These speakers were selected for their ability to bridge and communicate across disciplines with state-of-the-art research and ideas relevant to the entire Wu Tsai Community.
Talks occur on Thursdays at 4:00 pm approximately every two weeks, beginning September 5, 2024. They take place in the Workshop on the 11th floor of the Wu Tsai Institute at 100 College Street. There will be an opportunity for questions and a reception following each talk.
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