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MRI methods for crossing scales in neuroscience

WTI Inspiring Speaker: Karla Miller

Thursday, March 27, 2025

4:00 - 5:15 pm

Reception to follow

100 College Street
Floor 11, Workshop 1116

There is an increasing consensus in the neuroscience community that the next major advances in neuroscience require us to span scales, species and tools. In this talk, Karla Miller will present examples of how our group is taking on this challenge in two very different domains: scales of space and people. She will discuss her work that directly combines MRI with microscopy, including technical challenges and the possible new insights. Miller will overview the Biobank neuroimaging resource, which is scanning 100,000 people with six separate imaging modalities. Time permitting, she will discuss how the two directions can be combined to create virtuous cycles of discovery-hypothesis-discovery linking in-vivo, ex-vivo, animal and population neuroimaging.

Miller will be hosted by Gregory McCarthy (Psychology).

Karla Miller

Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford

Miller develops novel methods for acquiring, reconstructing and analyzing MRI scans of the brain.

Karla Miller Light Blue Bright Magenta

WTI Inspiring Speaker Series

The Wu Tsai Institute presents the 2024-25 Inspiring Speaker Series.

The Institute’s new signature series features an interdisciplinary lineup of speakers studying the mind and brain from different angles, including perspectives from beyond academia. These speakers were selected for their ability to bridge and communicate across disciplines with state-of-the-art research and ideas relevant to the entire Wu Tsai Community.

Talks occur on Thursdays at 4:00 pm approximately every two weeks, beginning September 2024. They take place in the Workshop on the 11th floor of the Wu Tsai Institute at 100 College Street. There will be an opportunity for questions and a reception following each talk.

All members of the Yale community are welcome. Please contact if you have any accessibility-related needs. View upcoming talks and subscribe to our monthly newsletter for updates.