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Wu Tsai Faculty Members bring perspectives from more than 30 departments across Yale University. Appointed members conduct and collaborate on groundbreaking research, mentor and teach students and postdocs, and actively participate in our community. The Institute benefits from the participation of over 130 faculty members, united by their research interests in advancing our understanding of human cognition. Learn more about Institute membership and faculty openings.

Wu Tsai Faculty Members

Headshot Thomas Bierderer

Thomas Biederer

Faculty Member, Neurology


Hal Blumenfeld

Faculty Member, Neurology

Headshot Angelique Bordey

Angelique Bordey

Faculty Member, Neurosurgery

Headshot Kristen Brennand

Kristen Brennand

Faculty Member, Psychiatry


David Breslow

Faculty Member, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Headshot John Carlson

John Carlson

Faculty Member, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology


Sreeganga Chandra

Faculty Member, Neurology

Headshot-Daniel-Colon Ramos

Daniel Colón-Ramos

Faculty Member, Neuroscience

Headshot of Pietro De Camilli

Pietro De Camilli

Faculty Member, Neuroscience

Headshot of Jonathan Demb

Jonathan Demb

Faculty Member, Ophthalmology and Visual Science


Marcello DiStasio

Faculty Member, Pathology

Headshot of Shawn Ferguson

Shawn Ferguson

Faculty Member, Cell Biology


Jaime Grutzendler

Faculty Member, Neurology


Junjie Guo

Faculty Member, Neuroscience

Headshot of Brian Hafler

Brian Hafler

Faculty Member, Ophthalmology and Visual Science


Marc Hammarlund

Faculty Member, Genetics


Michael Higley

Faculty Member, Neuroscience

Headshot of Joy Hirsch

Joy Hirsch

Faculty Member, Psychiatry

Headshot of James Jeanne

James Jeanne

Faculty Member, Neuroscience


Anthony Koleske

Faculty Member, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry


Janghoo Lim

Faculty Member, Genetics

Headshot of Michael Nitabach

Michael Nitabach

Faculty Member, Cellular and Molecular Physiology


In-Hyun Park

Faculty Member, Genetics


Kartik Pattabiraman

Faculty Member, Child Study Center

Headshot of Candie Paulsen

Candie Paulsen

Faculty Member, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry


Cristina Rodriguez

Faculty Member, Biomedical Engineering

Headshot of Nenad Sestan

Nenad Sestan

Faculty Member, Neuroscience

Headshot of Hongying Shen

Hongying Shen

Faculty Member, Cellular and Molecular Physiology

Headshot of Stephen Strittmatter

Stephen Strittmatter

Faculty Member, Neuroscience

Headshot of Susumu Tomita

Susumu Tomita

Faculty Member, Cellular and Molecular Physiology