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Katarzyna Chawarska, PhD

Faculty Member

Center for Neurocognition and Behavior

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Early markers of autism

Work in my lab is focused on investigating social and emotional development in young children with autism in service of improving the lives of affected children and their families. We aim to discover early biomarkers of core and comorbid symptoms of autism and to identify novel treatment targets. To this end, we employ screen-based and live eye-tracking methods, and more recently, fMRI. The research is highly interdisciplinary and collaborative, and relies on integration of cutting edge clinical behavioral, neurophysiological, and brain imaging approaches and expertise. Our work is aligned closely with some of the key goals of the Wu Tsai Institute as it strives to advance understanding of links between brain and behavior in health and in disease through integration across scales, tools, and disciplines.


I received my MA degree in clinical psychology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Subsequently, I completed a PhD training in developmental psychology at Yale. After graduation, I joined the Yale Autism Program at the CSC and did post-doc and clinical training with Fred Volkmar and Ami Klin. I am currently E. Frazer Beede Professor with a primary appointment at the Child Study Center and secondary appointments in Pediatrics at YSM and that the Statistics and Data Science department at Yale. I direct the Autism Center of Excellence Program, Social and Affective Neuroscience of Autism Program, and Toddler Developmental Disabilities Clinic.