Building neural representations for realistic event sequences
Monday, February 19, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
100 College Street
Floor 11, Workshop 1116
New Haven, CT 06510
Christopher Baldassano
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Columbia University
Christopher Baldassano is a cognitive neuroscientist using machine learning techniques to uncover how dynamic representations in the mind and brain lead to the formation of event memories.
Our everyday lives consist of familiar sequences of events in familiar contexts, and we use our memories of the past to understand the present and make predictions about the future. Baldassano will present recent studies in his lab that employ stories, movies, virtual reality, and games to investigate the mechanisms by which knowledge of temporal structure can organize our perceptions and memories.
Join us on February 19, 2024, for "Building neural representations for realistic event sequences."

WTI Inspiring Speaker Series
The Wu Tsai Institute presents the Inspiring Speaker Series, hosted by Kia Nobre, Director of the Center for Neurocognition and Behavior and Wu Tsai Professor of Psychology. Please join us this semester for a series of talks at 100 College Street. View a complete list of upcoming talks in the series below. Email us with any questions.